Top 3 favorite ethnic foods
Biryani - a mixed rice dish
Tandoori Chicken
Classic Naan - tasty bread
When did your family move to America?
30 years ago - 1990
Why did you move to the U.S.?
Her dad got a job
What have people assumed about you based on your heritage?
People assume that she is Arab because she is Muslim
Have you ever been treated poorly because of your ethnicity/race/beliefs?
People think that she doesn’t look inviting and welcoming because of her vultural clothing so they don’t really talk to her. People believe she is unapproachable. She isn’t affected any more because she is used to people treating her this way. She believes people don’t want to associate with her mainly because of her religion.
What language do you speak at home?
English and Tamil - a south indian language
Do you have certain rules that are odd to others?
Not really, just very strict parents.
Is there a typical style of dress?
Not exactly, just cover modestly, no skin except for face, hands, and feet shown
In Asia there is a black dress called Abaya in Arabic
Have you ever visited your native country, if so did you feel more welcomed?
Yes, many times, like every other year. Sometimes she feels more welcomed - She feels very welcomed there, but she is used to her home environment.
Are there any special traditions?
She celebrates Eid - a religious festival twice a year, it celebrate the end of Ramadan
It is on May 24,25 - they follow the Lunar Calendar
What is your opinion towards your culture?
She thinks it’s great, definitely something she will pass onto her family, however she would try to tone down the strictness a little
How do you think people view your culture?
People definitely think it’s too strict, and way different from American culture
What cultures are like your own?
All east asain cultures
Do you know another language other than the one spoken at home?
If so, does learning this language come easier to you?
She knows Arabic, because she went to an Islamic school
How do you represent your culture?
In all ways, clothing, actions and thinking.
How does corona affect your culture?
It hasn’t affected much, she keeps in contact with her relatives that are miles away and in a sense, corona helped strengthen her family bond
Do you have anything to add?
Her main idea is that “appearance shouldn’t matter”, “you shouldn’t want to talk to someone just because of how they look”