What nationality are you?
100% Vietnamese
How would you define culture?
Culture is the way of life and activities that reflect one’s way of acting.
What do you find interesting about your culture?
The way his culture celebrates, the preparation and effort put into each event.
When did your family move to America?
Around the 2000
Why did you move to the U.S.?
His family was very poor and needed a new life, so they traveled from Vietnam
What have people assumed about you based on your heritage?
People assume that he eats certain foods, most people assume he is smart and unathletic due to his heritage.
What are the biggest misconceptions about your culture, how would you correct this misunderstanding?
People assume he is poor because Vietnam is very poor. Due to the Vietnamese War there were two sides, splitting the country into good/bad this led to toxic relationships and people assuming bad things among each other.
Have you ever been treated poorly because of your ethnicity/race/beliefs?
Jokingly, people mention his body features including smaller eyes.
What language do you speak at home?
English and Vietnamese
Do you have certain rules that are odd to others?
Not really, just strict parents.
Is there a typical style of dress?
Not really, on specific holidays you wear Vitnamese gowns/ long pants that are worn on celebrations as a tradition.
Have you ever visited your native country, if so did you more at home than the U.S.?
Are there any special traditions?
Yes, Tết is the Vietnamese New Year celebrated on Feb. 12. He receives gifts/ money, eats traditional foods, and makes lanterns.
What is your opinion towards your culture?
It’s the best culture because of the foods they eat, the language, the lifestyle and celebrations.
How do you think people view your culture?
Many people don’t know the culture because it is a very small culture compared to Chinese, they can’t differentiate the two.
What cultures are like your own?
Were you/your family affected in any war or deep hatred?
His grandpa was in the Vietnam War, he thankfully survived and is thriving to this day.
How do you represent your culture?
By practicing the traditions and keeping the culture alive.
How does corona affect your culture?
It doesn’t change the culture, however it holds back the celebrations and gatherings.
Do you have anything to add?
Vietnamese people have many differences compared to the Chinese culture.